Greve na PF está na imprensa dos EUA


Greve na PF está na imprensa dos EUA Calling All Crooks!!

At least 5,000 federal police officers are scheduled to go on strike beginning tomorrow (the 9th) to demand pay equalization for higher level personnel. According to the National Federal Police Federation (Fenapef), only 30 percent of the officers are to remain on duty in essential services, meaning prison guards and police station staff. The passport section will be the one most affected by the work stoppage. "In the case of passports, they will be issued only in emergency cases. Other than that, all operations underway may also be halted," says Fenapef president Francisco Carlos Garisto.

According to him, the government has had time in which to study the group‘s proposal, but as of the 4th of this month, it had not suggested any alternative for avoiding the strike, which will take place throughout the country. "There will be no more negotiation," Garisto added.

The government claims that it does not have the money to meet the demand by federal police officers. To equalize pay, the Ministry of Justice would have to receive a transfer of 600 million reais from the Treasury, since pay for officers would increase from 4,200 reais to 7,800 reais. In addition, the Union [Federal Government] claims that many police officers, experts, and fingerprinting technicians joined the PF [Federal Police] before 1996, when the higher pay scale for that category was made compulsory.

Fonte: Ocnus.net 2004 - New York - USA

O SINPEF/MS defende os direitos dos policiais federais